Saturday, September 25, 2010

How to Join A Text Ad Exchange

Step 1: Set up a Gmail account just for your Text Add Exchanges, as you will be receiving a lot of ext ads and it is easy to control them with Gmail.

Step 2: Pick a Text Ad Exchange to join. You can run a search for the top 10 text ad exchanges on your favorite search engine as a starting point, or you can go here and find over 200 exchanges with promo codes for all of them. This program is free to join and just keeps growing.

Step 3: Fill out the form to join, being sure to use your new email. As soon as your application is accepted, go to Gmail and log in to your new account. There should be a Welcome Email from your new exchange.

Step 4: Go ahead and open it and click on the verification link, which will open in a new window.

Step 5: Before you leave Gmail, you need to set up a filter for your new account. On the menu bar there is a button for ”More Actions”.
Select it and click on the “Filter messages like this” link. Then click on “Next Step”. Now select “Skip the inbox” and “Apply the label” and in the drop down menu, select “New Label”, which you will name for the exchange. Now check the “Also apply filter” next to the ”Create Filter” button and then click the button.
Now, whenever any mail comes from your new exchange, it will be put in it’s own folder instead of filling your inbox.

Step 6: Now, go to the new window for your new exchange and take a look at the one-time offer that is always there when you first verify your email. Make your own decision, based on your knowledge of your goals and assets as to whether or not to take advantage of it. Either way, you will end up on the “Start here” page after you log in. (You may find another “Special” after you log in…)

Step 7: It’s promo code time. You will usually find a promo code on the start page. You need to go to the “Advertising” page to enter the code for your free advertising. There you will find a form for entering your promo code(s). It is recommended that you type in the codes, as pasting them doesn’t always work. If a code doesn’t work, contact the site owner and provide him with all of the details.

Step 8: Once you have all of your promo codes entered and accepted, then return to the advertising page and scroll all the way to the bottom. There you will find your free advertising.

Step 9: I recommend setting up a spread sheet with all of your information for advertising all of your programs.

The columns on your advertising sheet need to have the following headings:
Program Name (hyperlink this to your login page)
Program URL (This is the URL that you want your advertising to lead to…I recommend using a splash page for each program. This allows you to capture their information when they ask for more information)
Banner URL (This is the URL where your banner is stored.)
Button URL (This is the URL where your button is stored)
Your Hotlinks Description (A subject or headline)

Use a separate row in your spreadsheet for each program.

Step 10: Click on the Banner setup link and input the correct information for your first banner. You will be asked for the name of your banner, the banner URL (copy and paste this from your spreadsheet to avoid errors.) and the target URL (copy and paste this also). After you have entered your information, click on the preview and then save it. Now go back to the advertising page and set up the rest of your banners.

Step 11. Setup your solo ad. I keep all of my solo ads in a separate folder for easy access. Be sure to NOT put your URL in the body of the ad. It goes in it’s own box at the bottom of the form.

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